How To Avoid Weight Gain at Work

How do we prevent the bulge from taking over our wardrobe, our activities, and our relationships? Here’s a food, activity and relationship guide to getting rid of the bulge.

Don’t Skip Breakfast.

This is the most important meal. It’s where you pull your energy from for the rest of the day. Eat a hearty, healthy breakfast of fruits (fiber), and some carbs like bread or oatmeal (carbs are your source of energy).
Avoid Processed Food.

These include canned and preserved food. These have been associated with high blood pressure (too much salt in it too) and worse, to Cancer.
Don’t eat because you’re bored.

Work in some industries can be boring at times; some of us actually turn to food to get past it. While potato chips are tasty, they’re also salty. Salt makes you retain water.

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