5 Makeup Brushes You Need to Own

Confused by the array of makeup brushes available, and not sure what to use, or where or how? Good news: Unless you’re a makeup artist by trade, you truly need only five key brushes to get your face done right

A lip brush

It may be easier to simply swipe on your lip color from the tube, but you’ll get more precise application and deposit more product into the thin creases on the surface of your lip (creating a more intense and possibly longer lasting application) by using a lip brush.

A blush brush

A proper blush brush should be moderate in size and the bristles should not be overly fluffy. If you’re currently using a big, poofy brush, you’re wasting product and not depositing your blush as precisely as you should be.

A face-powder brush

This is the big and fluffy one! It feels wonderful when applying translucent powder over your entire face. Unlike the blush brush, this more poofy brush is used so you can airily deposit product onto your face with a light dusting.

A small, flat or straight-tip brush

Use this type of brush to dab on or otherwise apply product in a precise way: for example, to more effectively use eye shadow to line your eyes.

A small rounded-tip brush

Use this style of brush to apply colors more softly, and to blend; for example, your crease shadow with your base color. This brush should be softer and more flexible than the straight-tip one in your collection.

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